Our Provimi formulations based on the MOZAÏC range and our custom recipes enable you to benefit from our genuine expertise in ruminant mineral nutrition.
Using a selection of the best ingredients at our specialist industrial facility, we produce minerals in various forms (powder, meal, granules, powder 3+, etc.) in accordance with Provimi quality standards, which are defined on the basis of extremely stringent criteria.
As pioneers of custom mixing, we created the Maxi'Mix concept for our customers.Maxi'Mix is the Provimi software programme that you can use on your farm.
Its core purposes are to save time, simplify work and improve profitability.
Our Maxi'Mix software is an integral component of the Lynx® dispensing tool. Ensuring precision in the mineral portion of a ration also helps to formulate a custom mix that is perfectly suited to the farm, and to simulate its impact on animal performance.
For improved profitability and a reduced carbon footprint